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Skyrim SE Mod for being a Vampire Like in ESO


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Is there a Mod, which gives you the expiernce for being a Vampire like in ESO. I really enjoyed being a vampire in ESO, but from my friends telling being a vampire sucks in Skyrim and is total diffrent from ESO.


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There's just two major vampire mods that offer some sort of progression, there's better vampires that has been around for a while and then there's the newer one, sacrosanct. the author of BV also made a patch to make the two 'compatible' although it mostly makes BV overwrite some of sacrosanct's features that I wish were still kept in tact. You still get best of both worlds, so to speak, the spells and VL traits from sacrosanct and the more advanced features of BV. Personally I can never decide between the two as I like both so I just use them with the patch.

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