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top mod frame works


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Armorsmith Extended, Weaponsmith Extended, Crafting Workbenches and several others rely on AWKCR. In fact if you look at AWKCR's homepage they have huge pictures that link to the mods that rely on it.


There's another framework mod completely independent of AWKCR, called HudFramework that creates a basis for hud widgets. There are quite a few hud widgets made on that framework and more coming out (it's still fairly new). http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20309/? To find mods that rely on that one (since the author doesn't list them) try an advanced search with HudFramework in the description field. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/searchresults/?src_order=1&src_sort=0&src_view=1&src_tab=1&src_language=0&src_descr=hudframework&src_showadult=1&page=1&pUp=1

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