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im having a dark ( burned ) face issue


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This video here shows how to fix it... I almost just want to go back to pre-ultra tex haha but anyway heres the fix...


What I would do is just do a "Store as Rar Backup" to backup DLCUltraHighResolution - Textures01.ba2 as "Store" is way quicker to back it up... Then delete within Fallout 4\ Data\


1 minute or so on a solid system to "Store" backup to .rar or just cut it and paste into folder you could call UltrHighResBackup or some such... whatever you feel like.



Edited by chris1892006
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The bug also happens even if you've never downloaded the HR Pack, so Oxhorn's solution is, to put it bluntly, idiotic, and should be deleted.


The issue has has to do with the latest patch for FO4 "requiring" certain file sizes for textures that are applied to the head mesh. (this includes skin textures, makeup, facial features etc)


Also deleting .ba2 files is a VERY bad idea and should NEVER be done accept as a very, very, extreme last resort, unless you are very sure of what you are doing.


The tool above is the best option as it resizes the textures to be compatible with the latest patch ... HOWEVER, seeing as there are countless mods, and even more configurations on individual systems, there may be some textures that "slip under the radar" so to speak. The best bet is to let the author know that you have a character that the mod didn't work with, so that they can add it to the list of files to check/resize. The mod is already up to version 2.1 due to updates, so the author is keen to help everyone he can, and it's a much "safer" way of fixing the problem.

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