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Building/Walls Destruction and Restoration.


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I have fraught some dragons while in a hold, I faught one when it was near winterhold near the college of winterhold. i fought a dragon in windhelm and it was somewhat of a maze, but there is one thing that is off... Destruction among the town, no roof's catches on fire and buildings crumbling from the major damages that has occurred. No towers collapse, no walls broken, no roof on fire, no building crumbing down upon the damages... I wish there was a mod that can change that. A mod that actually add in proper damage among the holds buildings during a dragon attack or some short of an invasion (when we now got invasion mods like Wars in Skyrim). Not only do I wish to see destruction, after the battle, I wish to see participation among restoration among the buildings of the hold, where I see villagers gathering water to put out the flames (or use some magic for mages), Lumber wagons delivering wood to the holds as resources to rebuild, and see the villagers build up a new home or shop. This mod that i wish for will help out on adding activity among the villages and some short of immersion.
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