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Multiple follower mods not working as they should


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With regards to having their follower limits the multiple follower mods that i have used so far haven't reached their supposed max, and i reach the max. EFF for example has a supposed limit of 100, yet only 7 get registered to eff with the 8th not getting registered at all, when i do have an 8th follower recruitment dialogue doesn't even show up as an option with exception to mercenaries asking for gold for some reason. With flp however the limit on followers doesn't change at all. I'm going to assume the other follower mods will disappoint me as well but not increase the follower limit to it's respective cap. I'm also going to assume that something else is preventing the follower mods from increase the follower limit to it's respective caps since two different mods didn't manage to do it..

Edited by Ichinzen2
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For the changes to take effect, you need to edit your Skyrim.ini (usually found in .../MyGames/Skyrim). Add the following lines:





You definitely need these lines with EFF. AFAIK, they are also mandatory with most other follower mods increasing follower limit (like AFT and iAFT).

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For the changes to take effect, you need to edit your Skyrim.ini (usually found in .../MyGames/Skyrim). Add the following lines:






You definitely need these lines with EFF. AFAIK, they are also mandatory with most other follower mods increasing follower limit (like AFT and iAFT).



looks like it was a load order problem. Loot had initially sorted the mods, which is where the problem began. When i had mod organizer sort the load order, it fixed the issue. Which begs the question why do we even need loot if mo is better ar doing loot's job which loot was specifically designed for. I've never had mod order problems before when using mo's mod sorting method.

Edited by Ichinzen2
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