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Master Vholkinar vampires more difficult than dragons, yes!


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Dragons really aren't tough, you just need patience but Vholkinar seem to be able to be defeated only by rag dolling them, either with shield bash or as a werewolf, I guess if you have 100 restoration you could cast bane of the undead but I am not there yet, so what is your strategy? I just keep up shield bashing them onto the ground so they can't cast frost spells and life drain.
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I may also have to do with the fact that you are able to fight dragons in an open field, with a lot of distractions for them, unlike going up against vampires, you're the only target (unless you have a companion), and the area is fairly small, making it more difficult to kite.
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I agree that they are about the toughest enemy in the game. I've come up against them (or rather, they seem to find me when I am exploring at night- I swear they have a mile-wide aggro field!) several times. I almost always use a fireball staff when I first see them at distance, then a fire-enchanted 1-handed ebony sword or axe, using health potions as needed. I have Dawnbreaker now so would likely use her for next time. When I killed Movarth, I was able to sneak up onto a ledge overlooking the room he was in and took out his cronies first w/my flaming arrows, chugging a few invis potions, and then switched to either a flame-wall staff or fireball staff before he closed in on me. But fire-based weapons and health potions are what have worked for me - this is where my alchemy skill comes in handy :thumbsup: Those fights with Vholkinar masters are ALWAYS exciting!


edited to correct spelling on Movarth's name

Edited by Elendre
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Their drain spell requires magic, right? If so, I kind of think shock would work better than fire, at first, right?


Good point, as I always forget shock drains magicka. BUT against Master Vholkinar vampires I wonder if it would be a significant enuf magicka drain as they likely would have tons of magicka. I'll try it next time one crosses my path! :devil: Thanks for the reminder!

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Their drain spell requires magic, right? If so, I kind of think shock would work better than fire, at first, right?


In my experience, lightning is crap for draining magicka, they start off with too much, it seems. I usually end up killing them before they run low on magicka.

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Luckily with my shield warrior I can spam shield bash over and over every time they try to get up so they can't heal by draining me, but if there are too many it's a problem. Funnily enough one tracked me down when fighting a dragon, went toe to with the dragon killed it and went after me but I shield bashed her over the ledge on what must have been a 1,000 foot drop; she didn't survive, lol.
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