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I would guess most people do. If you play on PC there are some good mods for houses with ample display space and armour mannequins for showing off your collection.


I don't bother to duplicate weapons/armour. If you have one sword of white woe why collect another? And I would have such a collection of Daedric tantos from Tribunal as to equip a private army. Where I store those I keep depends on which mod I happen to have in the game.

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About a month ago my house became soooooo full that a Random Loot Bag appeared in my house (Bal Isra). These things are EVIL. If one appears EVERYTHING that you drop in your house will be moved into the Random Loot Bag. The bag has infinite capacity, but you can't put stuff in it, you can only take stuff out. There IS a way around this, however, if you want something in the bag; drop it leave and come back. Because of this bag and because my collection was getting so large, I moved my stuff to multiple houses. My weapons and armor are displayed in my Raven Rock estate; my clothing, alchemy, and enchantments (including enchanted armor) are displayed in the magician's house in tribunal [forgot the name] and everything else (clutter, dwarven stuff, etc.) is in my house in the Skall village and in my room at Thirsk. As you can tell, I have a VERY extensive collection of stuff.
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i store all my"stuff" in the hllalu manor in balmora, i got daedric weapons, enchantments, lots of armor, i have mainly just stuff that i never realy use it just looks cool, my house is lined with torches outside so at night it glows in the distance, and inside i have numerous candles and lanterns ect. to make my armor and weapons glow its tight... morrowind rocks i love xbox
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I'm a book collector. Don't have repeated books. I completely filled the crates inside a house in Ald'Ruhn. Crap, got to get another house. :shifty: I killed Hanarai Assutlanipal yesterday. :halloween: Muahahaha... nice home :halloween:
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