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City Builder, Your Own Jarl?


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After playing several City builder style RPG, Neverwinter Nights 2, and a few others thoe the names i cant seem to gather at this time.


I've like the idea of walking up to an area, and starting from scratch, using resources and investing time and in game currency to start a small town to a bustling village then soon your own Solitude or even white run, Though taking time with each adddition and add its own form of money profit and or down grade depending on the style of goverment and or person your are. I dont have the time or any of the knowlage to invest into such a thing, But I've love to be able to design and place my city in Skyrim, to trade with other Jarls, Guildes etc. Oh, Like assassins Creed in the building of citys!. Please let me know what you all think of this idea. Thank you

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