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Creation Kit beginner tips


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I've been watching tutorials and am jumping into learning to use the creation kit. Is there any great source to get information, or any tips that you guys wish you'd known when starting to make mods?


also, from what I've seen it looks like making a custom companion is the easiest thing to begin with, is this what you'd recommend? I really look forward to making some player homes once I'm comfortable trying, I'll be happy making mods for my own use, but I would also feel really good contributing to the mod community someday, as it has brought me so much enjoyment, and has taken gaming to another level for me.


any advice would be much appreciated.

Edited by wanderer3292
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As you already know, there are a lot of tutorials on using CK. Basically, "Oldrim" and SE CK are very similar to each other. So, a lot of tutorials made for the old CK are also helpful for the new one.


Back in those halcyonic days of Morrowind modding, there weren't many online tutorials - not to speak of youtube and the like... At that time, many people (including me) learned using the CK by doing something I'd still recommend today: Open a mod, that does something similar as you want to do, in the CK Try to understand, what the mod author did. Play around a bit. Change this and that. Start with simple things: Try to move that barrel to the other side of the room. Try to change the look of that door...

OFC, nowadays you can also watch tutorials on creating custom player homes. Look for something you understand and that seems helpful to YOU, then try to do yourself, what you saw in the tutorial. In the end, it's learning by doing. And a lot of trial and error.


For motivational reasons, I wouldn't recommend creating followers, if in fact you want to build your own home. The skills and knowledge needed are very different. Besides that, I wouldn't call making a custom follower from scratch an easy task. It can be very easy, if you use an existing mod as a "blueprint" and just customize it. If you build all the necessary assets from scratch, there are many, many ways to make mistakes...

If you want to build a home, learn how to build a home - not a follower. If you work on your personal goal, it will easier to find the motivation to learn more, deal with procblems you encounter, ask for help...


Good luck and have fun with modding Skyrim!

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