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Will ACTA affect nexus sites in any way ?


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Exactly, this is the crux of BT and Talk Talk's case. It's the logical extension of the presumption of innocence. IIRC correctly from the previous exchanges, at some point in this case the judges also ruled that much of the act ran contrary to European law, which also has implications for countries in Europe that have already passed piracy laws (France and Spain)- in that anyone prosecuted under the French and Spanish laws could use the same argument. By extension this also means that any laws passed in the future by the USA, where they attempted to require any EU country to do as they were told and take down sites/hand over bodies could be disputed in the same way. If only someone would actually stand their ground. I'm quite proud of BT (my ISP) for at least sticking the British Government out.
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Depends on what game is being modded, how and specific mod content. If Acta is enacted I don't think say Skyrim Nexus or Elder Scrolls Nexus would have to worry too much since Bethesda Studios releases to tool kits to modify their games and support the users ability to mod their games. Obviously mods which tinker with the main executable or contain content based off copyrighted things, or mods which alter games which no toolset is released or is planned to be release is a whole other matter.
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With Megaupload recently shutdown (which is based in Hong Kong)...I can see site's like forbidden site.


Piracy can be fought...if taken seriously. Internet giants.

Mention that site again and you will forfeit your account, no discussion of piracy allowed. Linking to a or mentioning piracy site is an instaban offense.

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From what I have heard SOPA and many other things of this nature (if they are made law or whatever) effectively give the governments who created them the ability to shut down any site like you tube or Facebook WITHOUT due process, because a link was provided to a site suspected of having pirated music for download or whatever and someone reports it. so all it takes is a handful of angry people or victims of a ban etc. to bring down a forum or other site where people share information etc. that includes the Nexus sites unfortunately. All this because some record company or game studio (who make millions of dollars) is whining to Uncle Sam because millions of dollars is not enough money and some of their profits are being lost to piracy
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From what I have heard SOPA and many other things of this nature (if they are made law or whatever) effectively give the governments who created them the ability to shut down any site like you tube or Facebook WITHOUT due process, because a link was provided to a site suspected of having pirated music for download or whatever and someone reports it. so all it takes is a handful of angry people or victims of a ban etc. to bring down a forum or other site where people share information etc. that includes the Nexus sites unfortunately. All this because some record company or game studio (who make millions of dollars) is whining to Uncle Sam because millions of dollars is not enough money and some of their profits are being lost to piracy


You can argue that megaupload had some illegal content and since nexus doesn't have such things it shouldn't be affected since all files here that are uploaded are created by users.

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