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Adding new monsters into the game


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Will there be any official up and coming expansion that would intergrate more monsters into the game? I know there are a lot in the game, but I would like to see more of a deverse selection. For instance: Minators, Dwarves, evil gnomes (small in size), wyverns, ect.

What do you all think about this? And what kind of monster would you like to see in the game?

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I don't think Bethesda will change the landscape at all really. They didn't do this for Morrowind nor Oblivion and will not for Skyrim.

I strongly suggest that you take a look at Skyrim Wars III ... Sorry I meant Skyrim Wars IV



There you will have many different choices of how much violence that you want while you are out adventuring.

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Will there be any official up and coming expansion that would intergrate more monsters into the game? I know there are a lot in the game, but I would like to see more of a deverse selection. For instance: Minators, Dwarves, evil gnomes (small in size), wyverns, ect.

What do you all think about this? And what kind of monster would you like to see in the game?



I realy don't think that Bethesda will add Dwarves because in Skyrim Lore, dwarves are an extinct race. As for Wyverns, it would realy surprise me because wyverns are kind of a lesser type of dragons and according to the lore again, there is no mention of Wyverns anywhere.


Well the more i think about it, the more i see where you're coming from. Basicly all the creatures you mentioned are coming right out of World Of Warcraft and DnD. Skyrim is simply different from those games . It has it's own Lore and it's own creatures and to be honest, i'm realy happy that they didn't copy any of the popular MMOs in any way.


Now , would it make me happy to see more creatures in SKyrim ? yes definatly . Now the thing is that Skyrim is only ONE Province in a whole world . The creatures that you fight in Skyrim are the ones that are found in that part of the world. If you went to Hammerfell for example , i'm pretty sure that the wild life would be much different.


Now if we're ever lucky enough to see more variety in Skyrim in terms of monsters, it would probably be like a wider variety of trolls and dragons because i realy don't beleive that Bethesda will go against their own lore .


I do beleive however that some modders will probably start creating their own monsters once the creation kit is released though. Will they be Lore Friendly ?? i have no idea but the examples of creatures that you mentioned you'd like to see are definatly not Lore friendly.


There is no doubt in my mind that Bethesda will eventualy make an expansion pack. It wouldn't surprise me if there was a bit more territory to explore and possibly new creatures and monsters but that all depends on where they're taking us next and the Lore of that place.


Sorry to dissapoint you bro , but your only hope of ever seeing a Wyvern or a Minotaur in skyrim relies on modders who don't realy care about lore .

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That's about it. I really wish there were more things out there. Not even any squirrels that climb up the trees. Or some beavers in the water would be cool. Turtles. Frogs. Big ass moose. Birds that will land on the ground, and fly away when you approach. Groups of birds that will stay in trees, scatter at loud noises.


Even those few animals could bring some more immersion. I know it's cold in skyrim, but things adapt.


I would also love to see more fantasy enemies. Dragons, draugr, trolls. Is that it?


I don't care if they have to steal some ideas from WoW. It's a fantasy game. If there are elves and extinct dwarves and crap then give me some centaurs and harpies too.

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I'm not knowledgeable on biologic geography, but considering the climate and setting, what animals are we supposed to find in a tundra setting anyway? Like real life northern Canada, Alaksa, Siberia and Scandinavia?


I'd expect the wolves, foxes, deer, bears, goats and bunnies, then throw in the trolls for the yeti/bigfoot replacement and then the saber cats....but what else?

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Now by Wyverns do you mean four legged, wingless Dragons?


Because I am working on one.


Well i've seen many different interpretations of Wyverns . I've seen wyverns that actualy looked like dragons , they had scales and wings but they were much smaller than dragons and they couldn't breath fire or ice and i've seen wyverns that had feathers lol.


I actualy never saw a wyvern that didn't have wings though but regardless , i guess every world that actualy has Wyverns living in it has it's own version of it .

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That's about it. I really wish there were more things out there. Not even any squirrels that climb up the trees. Or some beavers in the water would be cool. Turtles. Frogs. Big ass moose. Birds that will land on the ground, and fly away when you approach. Groups of birds that will stay in trees, scatter at loud noises.


Even those few animals could bring some more immersion. I know it's cold in skyrim, but things adapt.


I would also love to see more fantasy enemies. Dragons, draugr, trolls. Is that it?


I don't care if they have to steal some ideas from WoW. It's a fantasy game. If there are elves and extinct dwarves and crap then give me some centaurs and harpies too.



As you said, Skyrim is a very cold place and the amount of animals who can actualy live in such a cold place are very limited . Moose could definatly live there but in real life, Deers and Moose never share territory. Since there are already Deers and Elks pretty much everywhere in Skyrim, there is no room left for Moose.


As for squirrels , i'm from Canada ( Province of Quebec) we do have Squirrels here but we never see them during winter . They only come out in the spring once the snow is almost all melted down and as soon as food becomes available again they start gathering and stacking up food right away to prepare for the next winter. I guess it wouldn't be impossible to see them in Skyrim but only in the areas without any snow .


I would also love to see more fantasy enemies. Dragons, draugr, trolls. Is that it?


You forgot Dragon Priests, skeletons, Shades, Magical Anomalies, whisps, whispmothers, Mammoths, Giants, Mudcrabs, Horkers, Slaughterfish , giant spiders, Chaurus , 3 different types of Dwarven Constructs , Falmers, Skeevers, Werewolves, Vampires, Spriggans ,Atronachs and Ice Wraiths. I guess i could also include the Dremora .


As for regular wild life, you forgot Torchbugs, butterflies and Dragonflies lol . Just pulling your hair on that one :P


Is there any room for more variety?? well there pretty much always is .


What i would most complain about is that all Dogs look the same, all giants look the same and all children look the same. I wish they would've offered the same kind of variety for those 3 as they did for Draugr and Dragons.

Edited by Krawll
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