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Skyrim CTD kinda


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I'd start at just increasing your pagefile size and making sure you have plenty of freeze space... having a pagefile at all is not advised on this game as it causes hitching/ stuttering though crash free yes...


The hitching and stuttering when using pagefile is totally not worth it... So I made a config recently that only uses 2.5GB of ram on Fallout4... x64 app...


I suspect Skyrim has a x86 32-bit executable huh? total maximum address space allowable up to 4,095MB roughly...


I think there's a memory patch out there but I would start in the config... tighty it up on default/ and prefs... only use what you will use and you may find a better running game...


Take a look at my mod page at my new config... copy and paste stuff from default.ini/ prefs.ini to your default.ini/ prefs to reduce memory usage therefore fixing CTD... sort-of

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