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Starting Work On Hellion Arrow Replacement, Looking for Feedback/Gauging Interest


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I was an avid user of Hellion Arrows for Oldrim. However the mod has not been updated for SSE and the author has not been active on the nexus in a month shy of 5 years. As their permissions are very clear, the mod cannot be ported to SSE (And should not). I'm creating a spiritual successor to the mod with nothing taken from the original ESP. This will be entirely new.

The basic idea of the Mod will be the same, to add craft-able arrows with various magic effects. Arrow Ideas so far are:

  • Arrows for the various elements in vanilla skyrim.
  • Summoning Arrows (only basic Atronach's most likely)
  • A "blink" to teleport the player to its landing area (If i can figure out how to do this.)
  • An assassination arrow with extreme speed, flat trajectory, and bonus sneak attack damage if possible.
Other Goals:

  • Preventing NPC's from using these arrows, especially the "blink".
  • Seamless integration into the main game. Hellion Arrows suffered from seeming out of place in the main game when it came to actually acquiring them.
  • Crafting controlled by perks.
  • Benefits of arrows should be matched by their cost/difficulty to get.
  • Possible a unique arrow model but i have no experience with that so consider that a big ol maybe.
Things i want from you:

  • Ideas for the name of the mod
  • Arrow ideas
  • Helpful Suggestions
Edit: If the Author of Hellion Arrows is active on here/sees this let me know if you're planning on moving your mod to SSE. No need to remake a similar mod from scratch if the original is going to be ported.

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