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I making Player Home Mod I need help connecting workbenches to shared storage


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It's actually fairly easy to do. First, you need to make a central storage container. I usually copy a vanilla steamer trunk (but you can use any container), rename it and use that as the shared container and put it under the floor where a player can't get to it. I also uncheck the Respawns box so the trunk doesn't reset with the cell. Just make sure you use a COPY, and not a base object.


Next, you just need to link each of the workbenches to that container using two keywords:




That's pretty much it.


I actually have a video tutorial started on this subject but haven't had time to finish it. Maybe by next weekend I'll be able to finish it. But you probably don't want to wait that long... :happy:

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How do you use two key words on one LinkRef?


Never mind you only need to use "workshopitemkeyword" in your LinkRef not "workshoplinkcontainer" which is what I was using in the first place.



you can use a LOT of keywords workshopitemkeyword basically attaches your reference to the MAIN workshop workbench but the workshoplinkcontainer characterizes the reference , The 2 keywords RR said are for the container to the main workbench and vice versa for the "workshoplinkcontainer" keyword . The extra workshop workbenches only need to link to the main workbench with the workshopitemkeyword .

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How do apply more than one keyword?


Thank you for your reply



you can click in the "linked ref list box as many times as you want and add more and depending on the asset you can even do it from its own data editing boxes ( obviously a DUPLICATED version of the vanilla ). Example : look at a generator that needs several keywords..

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