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CTD on loading from main menu


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Hello first and foremost here are my specs:

Nvidia quadro 2000m

Intel i7 2860qm

8gb Ram


Secondly is the problem. I have been playing through the game with minimal crashing with 101 mods loaded.

I unistalled the Mour follower mod as she was pretty glitchy. That brought me to 100


Now i have crashed during that first quest AFTER you return from bleak falls barrow, during my first dragon fight.

And now i crash everytime i hit continue on the main screen.



Load order will be attached below.

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1. CCO requires two files to work best. Check the mod page for Complete Crafting Overhaul and read it to make sure you get the two files and know where to put them.
2. Make sure that Tame Beast's scripts don't interfere with Convenient Horses.
3. I would have iHUD a bit higher in your load order.

I would set your load order something similar to this:
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
[Other .esms]
Unofficial High Res Patch
[utility Mods] (things like SKSE Scripts, UI Extensions, papyrus util)
[All other .esps mods]
Modern Brawl Bugs Fix
[Texture mods] (Mods that make skyrim look better)
[body Textures/Meshes] (Mods that make NPC or player look better)
[Animation Mods]
Alternate Start
[Anything LOOT sorts after it]

Also, make sure that if using Mod organizer that your left side load order and right side match above, then when you get LOOT working, sort with it. It will organize the right, then match the left to the right pane.

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