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Make My Companions Stop Using Their Headlamps.


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For the love of Christ, {Companion} STOP GIVING AWAY OUR FKING POSITION!!!!


It's a role-playing thing.*


*Based upon my (thus far) observations that neither their Head Lamp, Power Armor Drop Noise, and (thankfully) Inability to Trigger Traps indicate that they (seemingly) in no way impact your stealth in a negative fashion I would like this if, for literally no other reason, than the fact that it is, for me, that their headlamp FUBARs my night vision.


Ideally this could be achieved via conversation dialogue; for example Stop / Resume usage until dictated otherwise.


That said..


As previously stated I am using NVG mods, so I'd be totally OK with the "Permanently Off" option based upon the assumption that since I've provided him / her with NVG as well this shouldn't be a problem.


As far as robot / synth companions go, I figure NVG should be a given so no headlamp for them would be needed, yeah?




The ability to simply choose removing the headlamp function entirely from individual pieces via Crafting -> Headlamp options would probably be best overall if such is feasible.

Edited by GrimReapers1
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