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Endless loading screen when trying to enter the Sleeping Giant Inn


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Alright, I've been beating my head against the wall for a long time trying to get my Skyrim mods to work, but after 20+ hours, I finally got it working... or so I thought. Now, whenever I try to enter the Sleeping Giant Inn, I get an endless loading screen. It's likely related to my many mods, so I have a list here of what mods I'm using.

My guess that the issue is with a follower that is at the inn that can't load in when I try to enter, but other then that, I'm flying blind here.

I have a papyrus log, but its a whopping 1.42 mb, so I can't upload it here on Nexus (limit is 250kb). I had to divide it up in order to fit Nexus's limits, the file "Error 1" is the first... fifth? Of the log.

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Since you're new here, some friendly advice first: If you got load orders or papyrus logs or whatever texts you want to share, don't use links. It's better to put your texts in "spoiler" tags within your post. Few people are willing to follow links to help someone. Chances you get help are higher, if everything needed is in your post.


Another thing: A lot of people mistake papyrus logs for crash logs. In fact, they are not. Papyrus logs are there for script testing and debugging purposes mainly. So they are of rather limited use wehn it comes to troubleshooting CTDs.


If you haven't installed "crash fixes", you probably should: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/? First, this might prevent some crashes. Second, you get real crash logs, that might be more helpful than papyrus logs.


I looked at your installed mods and your loadorder. I'm not using MO myself, so maybe I'm overlooking or just not understanding something. But to me it seems, that you got some Racemenu Plugins installed, but not Racemenu itself. If that's the case, that would also explain your papyrus log - which is largely about Racemenu-Plugin errors. Don't know if installing Racemenu correctly will fix your infinite loading screen, but it's something.


Since you mentioned followers as possible cause of the infinite loading screen: Try disabling followers, who are in the Sleeping Giant Inn. Disable them one by one and test. This way you could find the culprit - or rule out that it's a follower.

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You have a dangerous load order. I would suggest this:
Hearthfires <---
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch <---- (Get rid of USKP)
[other .esms]
High Res Texture Packs 1,2,3
Unofficial High Res Patch
[other .esps]
Modern Brawl Bugs Fix
[Texture Mods]
[body Mods]
[Animation Mods]
Alternate Start
[anything LOOT sorts after]

1. ETaC has a ton of patches on its compatibility page. Make sure you have them all.
2. Make sure you have the most recent RaceMenu. You shouldn't have plugins.
3. If you aren't using LOOT, you need to.
4. No mods should come after alternate start unless it's specified to, a patch, or something LOOT puts there.

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Since you're new here, some friendly advice first: If you got load orders or papyrus logs or whatever texts you want to share, don't use links. It's better to put your texts in "spoiler" tags within your post. Few people are willing to follow links to help someone. Chances you get help are higher, if everything needed is in your post.


Another thing: A lot of people mistake papyrus logs for crash logs. In fact, they are not. Papyrus logs are there for script testing and debugging purposes mainly. So they are of rather limited use wehn it comes to troubleshooting CTDs.


If you haven't installed "crash fixes", you probably should: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/? First, this might prevent some crashes. Second, you get real crash logs, that might be more helpful than papyrus logs.


I looked at your installed mods and your loadorder. I'm not using MO myself, so maybe I'm overlooking or just not understanding something. But to me it seems, that you got some Racemenu Plugins installed, but not Racemenu itself. If that's the case, that would also explain your papyrus log - which is largely about Racemenu-Plugin errors. Don't know if installing Racemenu correctly will fix your infinite loading screen, but it's something.


Since you mentioned followers as possible cause of the infinite loading screen: Try disabling followers, who are in the Sleeping Giant Inn. Disable them one by one and test. This way you could find the culprit - or rule out that it's a follower.

Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to use spoilers next time instead of links. I don't have crash fixes, so I'll give that a shot, along with double checking my Racemenu.



You have a dangerous load order. I would suggest this:




Hearthfires <---


Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch <---- (Get rid of USKP)

[other .esms]

High Res Texture Packs 1,2,3

Unofficial High Res Patch

[other .esps]

Modern Brawl Bugs Fix

[Texture Mods]

[body Mods]


[Animation Mods]


Alternate Start

[anything LOOT sorts after]


1. ETaC has a ton of patches on its compatibility page. Make sure you have them all.

2. Make sure you have the most recent RaceMenu. You shouldn't have plugins.

3. If you aren't using LOOT, you need to.

4. No mods should come after alternate start unless it's specified to, a patch, or something LOOT puts there.

I'll try that load order out. I don't have LOOT, even though I keep seeing posts about how useful it is. I'll dl it and give it a shot.


I'll post again once I attempt what you two suggested.

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So I installed crashfix and Loot (got a much better load order) and started up again with a new save file. Went to the Inn and sure enough, another ctd. So I decided to start disabling follower mods based on who I knew was in that Inn, and once again sure enough, the first one I disabled turned out to be the issue. Its the Recorder follower mod found here.


I disabled it and was able to enter the Inn no problem. A real shame, I was looking forward to that one. Thanks for the help guys.

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