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Transforming tiefling race


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Hello people. Anyone remember this mod? http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/18723/?


I'd like to see something like that in Skyrim, it had a great concept going with the story I think, and the transformation mechanic, oh and the variants of the race, plus I think it's entirely possible with existing assets and tools.


For the wings you could integrate Anton's Animated Dragon Wings (and i'd say make a custom wing texture if you want) and you could use the coding for the Vampire Lord transformation mechanic for transforming into the demon form and reverting any time you want (Which I realize will warrant a Dawnguard DLC requirement but seriously. I think everyone and their brother has that DLC at this point)


Plus with the MCM (SKSE and SkyUI requirement I know, but like with Dawnguard, everyone and their brother has SKSE and SkyUI, over 14 mil total downloads on SkyUI), the mod can be configured, like configure how much your health needs to be reduced to trigger the first transformation and the questline and also tweak various aspects of the demonic transformation, and weather or not the transformation will induce an "Attack on Sight" effect (Which I know wouldn't be immersive, but it'd be nice for some people I think) to name off a few possible things that could be configured


now I know this will need to be rebuilt from scratch and not simply ported over without permission from Hatsoli, and for reasons i'm sure I don't understand involving differences between Oblivion and Skyrim's engines


but it's up to you modders if you want to do this

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