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Watch Dogs 2 Non-Lethal Mod?


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I recently got Watch Dogs 2 and have been loving the hell out of it. Fun open-world game with a wonderfully cheesy 'Hackers' theme to it and genuinely likable, weird characters. Games looks great, plays great, and the hacking powers are fun to play around with. The big topic about this game when it came out and the months following it, was the inclusion of guns and how they kinda destroy the narrative of the story.


So I got to thinking; Had someone made a mod to strip the guns out from the game?


I've just been playing non-lethal as a personal choice since I had read those articles and it made more sense. It might be an intentional handicap but I do firmly believe that these intelligent people who fight back against an oppressive society that monitors literally every bit of data you access by cracking their security and taking them down inside and out. Using guns to solve any problem in that context doesn't make sense, particularly because Marcus looks like he'd barely be able to handle a normal handgun let alone tactical shotguns and assault rifles.


My point being; Does anyone know if there is a mod, maybe in development, that aims to completely strip any and all lethal firearms from the game? Or at least severely limit them since I'm sure there are some story-critical missions where you HAVE to shoot your way out. If there isn't, I'll just keep playing non-lethal. I was just curious.

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