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CTD after fast travel to Solitude(PC: Legendary Edition)


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I know I'm not the first person to have this issue, and I won't be the last. Everytime I get within the Skyrim equivalent of a mile to Solitude, I have an instant CTD. No error message. I DO in fact have mods installed, listed below, and HAVE tried the following things:


Rebooting my PC: Didn't help

Disabling all plugins: I was able to get to Katla's Inn, tried to save and CTD(Also got some.. embarrassed looks from some people XD)

Walking: Whether it's from the Dragon Bridge or Morath, still CTD, with and without a horse.

And yes, my game is a legitimate copy of Skyrim:Legendary Edition.

These are the mods I have:




I tried running LOOT and it did nothing. At. All. I haven't leveled very much, 17 >~<, but I enjoy where I am now and took a lot of time to create my girl. Help?

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