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Skyrim Nodded Performance (FPS)


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Hello, I am curious if my modded Skyrim performance is normal, in most areas, I get between 40-45 areas, but in most of the open areas, I get 56-60. Occasionally the game will drop to 5 fps for about 10 seconds or so. The game also tends to stutter. I am on an i5 6600k, r9 390 8GB GPU, and 16 GB DDR4 RAM. The main graphical mods I am using are: Static Mesh Improvement Mod, Skyrim HD 2K, Skyrim Flora Overhaul, Verdant, Skyrim 2016 by Pfuscher 1K-2K, HD Enhanced Terrain PRO Blended Version, Realistic Water Two, aMidianBorn Landscape 2K. I have more smaller graphical mods, but those are the main big ones. Also, I have all of the Skyrim setting on High, AA and Anisotropic Filtering are off. I am running the game at 1080p. I have the ENB files installed, but I don't have an ENB preset. I do have ENB Boost. I also have the SKSE Memory Patch. Just in case you need to know, I am using Optimized Vanilla Textures, and it is at a lower priority in Mod Organizer so other mods can override it. I am not currently using the High Res DLC. I am using Mod Organizer.


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Perhaps someone better skilled at tweaking Skyrim can answer, but I just don't think Old Skyrim is very compatible with certain setups. You can do various things to make it work as good as possible, but really the only way to make sure it runs the best is to move to SSE. Check out this list and see if you haven't done anything on it: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=500687692


I suggest if you are going to use multiple texture mods that overwrite each other, check out the Skyrim Mod Combiner on the nexus. It does a pretty good job.


Since you are using MO, make sure that your left pane matches your right, for the most part. Textures that you want to have higher priority can be in any order on the left, but make sure your overwrites are clear.

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