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Framerate issues outside Whiterun, but seemingly only after hours of play.


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So I have a level 40 something Orc battlemage at the moment, that whenever I head a short distance east of Whiterun, towards the camp to the immediate east of Whiterun, my framerate seems to tank (and even CTD if i try to power through it). Looking up aproximately above said giant camp reveals a great deal of...random doodads all mashed together. I can't really make them out as they're really high in the sky and I'm getting a bout a frame a second while looking at it. The most notable doodads seem to be some rock outcroppings you can see through since they're meant to be part of a hill, but there's clearly more, much smaller stuff, stuck with it.


What's really odd is that if i go there on any other character I have, new or simply another file that i've only played a few hours on, there's nothing there, and my framerate is perfectly fine. I'm not really sure if this is a mod issue because of this, but what'd cause skyrim to seemingly dump a bunch of random items in the sky?


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