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Mod Announcement by Ruhadre


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Hello all,


I have been developing a mod for sometime now, and I'm making this announcement due to the fact that I'll be releasing it within a week.


This is the only spoiler I'll give in regards to it:




"They all thought I was dead. I thought I was too. Now that this ghastly affair has concluded, it's about time I made my next move..."




I apologize if you think the spoiler wasn't much of a spoiler, but that is intentional on my part. Alot of lore lovers will wonder why this wasn't created years ago.

This mod will incorporate skills and tricks I've never deployed before in any of my mods. From the start, I've been working on a must-have to the load order.

Alot of my mods tends to be a continuation of another's work, but this will be 100% all me from the start.


Keep an eye out, I'm sure you won't miss it ;)

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