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Can't interact with dogs


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So at first I thought this was because of 2 mods I was using (Helgen Reborn and All Dogs followers are Huskies), but I'm still encountering this even after de-activating both


The issue arose when I noticed that in Helgen Reborn, during the section where you evaluate your guards for hire, when they were with me as a companion, I couldn't interact with the other citizens in Helgen save for the drillmaster, until I turned in the evaluation, as well as getting to the point where the Khajiit finds a stray dog and takes it as a follower, and it wasn't a Husky.


Wanting to see if the Husky mod was working, i found Vigilance at the Markarth stables-yup, Vigilance is a Husky, so that mod is working, just doesn't apply to this one stray, I guess. I have Lakeview Manor and a petless child, so I figure while I'm there I'll buy Vigilance. Buy him fine, then dismiss him, thinking he'll head for Lakeview. Nope. He just sits back down and stays at the stables, despite me waiting a few hours. Go to interact with him to recruit him again and head to Lakeview, and see if dismissing him there causes him to stay or head back to Markarth.


Welp, when I go to interact with him....I can't. He just barks at me when I try and initiate dialogue. Go through the steps of turning off the 2 mods...no dice. Researching the internet, apparently this is some sort of vanilla bug that neither Bethesda nor the Unofficial Skyrim Patch has fixed yet (which is incredibly stupid given that Skyrim first released going on 6 years ago now -_-)


Is there a console command, SOMETHING, I can use to fix this?

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