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Skyrim CTD when loading or making new game (save file, coc whiterun, etc)


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Hey guys!


I've been having trouble with my Skyrim today.

It was running fine but now decided to bug out.

I was dicking around with some mods and suddenly I got an "R6025" C++ runtime error.

Since then I've been trying hard to troubleshoot but my game is being a complete B****.

I got it to run once by disabling the Safety Load mod but then it starts happening again and the only way I can get it to run is to uninstall SKSE and reinstall it, and even then the game only runs once.

I have SKSE installed via Steam however I am willing to try to install the alternative way.

Here's my Papyrus log:

[02/19/2017 - 03:59:32PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)
[02/19/2017 - 03:59:32PM] Function GetEffectMagnitudes in the empty state on type Ingredient does not exist. Function will not be flagged as callable from tasklets.
[02/19/2017 - 03:59:32PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)
[02/19/2017 - 03:59:32PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:02PM] Cannot open store for class "dlc1scwispwallscript", missing file?
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:02PM] Cannot open store for class "DLC2BenthicLurkerFXSCRIPT", missing file?
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] error: Unable to bind script DLC2WaterScript to alias Water on quest DLC2TTF2 (0301AAC8) because their base types do not match
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property AshSpawnAttachChancePercent on script DLC2AshSpawnAttackChanceScript attached to alias Player on quest DLC2Init (03016E02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027110) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027112) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027113) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027117) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property DLC1VampireChangeEffect on script dlc1playervampirechangescript attached to DLC1PlayerVampireQuest (020071D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027115) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027114) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsMale on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanions on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageCompanionsFemale on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property DismissedFollower on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessage on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageWait on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property FollowerDismissMessageWedding on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property DLC2RRTeldrynSero on script DLC2HirelingQuestScript attached to DLC2HirelingQuest (03038566) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property Alias_LevitationTarget on script DLC2_QF_DLC2DialogueTelMithry_02017E85 attached to DLC2DialogueTelMithryn (03017E85) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (0302710F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027116) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property PlatePosition on script dlc2toldarstombpuzzleplatescript attached to (03027111) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property MagicResistance30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property MagicResistance50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property AugmentedFrost on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property WindWalker on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property Bladesman90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property Bladesman60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash90 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property Necromancy on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property DarkSouls on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property SavageStrike on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property HackAndSlash60 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property MageArmor30 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property MageArmor50 on script DLC1SeranaLevelingScript attached to (02003BA8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property Axe on script DLC2DBAncientDragonbornSCRIPT attached to (0301DC33) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (0301843D)>]OnPackageStart()
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (03018FA1)>]OnPackageStart()
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (030177DD)>]OnPackageStart()
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (030177DB)>]OnPackageStart()
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (03018FD0)>]OnPackageStart()
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (03018FCF)>]OnPackageStart()
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:04PM] [DLC2PillarBuilderActorScript < (03018FC3)>]OnPackageStart()
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:05PM] [DLC1VQ03ManageFactions ]manage factions
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:05PM] [byohhousescript ]OnInit
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:05PM] [DLC1VQ03ManageFactions ]manage factions
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:05PM] [byohhousescript ]OnInit
[02/19/2017 - 04:00:05PM] [byohhousescript ]OnInit

It bugs out when I run it via Mod Organizer, the game runs once and then it doesn't work at all even without mods unless I run normal Skyrim, not SKSE.
Keep in mind I have no load order except default DLCs.
I already verified cache in Steam and the only mod I have is an ENB but even with that uninstalled it still bugs out.
I uninstalled & reinstalled the Visual C++ runtime but it still wigs out hardcore.
Anybody got any help?
I can send more documents if needed.
Other than that I think I'll just go play SSE or Fallout 4 until I get some help.
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