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Midas Magic Bug?


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Hi to anyone who reads this :)


I recently downloaded and installed the most recent Midas Magic mod (0.07b) and whenever i cast most of the spells, the hands will do a movement and glow correctly, but no spells actually appear (beam spells have no beam, meteor spells have no meteors, etc.)

Was wondering if anyone has had this problem before and how to fix it


Help would be much appreciated :)

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From what I can see on Your screenshot is that You have the magic folder with all the midas spell nifs in Your data folder.

But the magic folder that contains the nifs should be in the meshes folder.


So try making a new folder named meshes in the data folder and cut and copy the magic folder there.

That should probally fix it.

As an extra note the midasDG folder should be in the meshes folder too, same with the actors folder that You have in just Data.


Also I don't see the textures folder in Your data folder.

The Textures folder should contain a folder named MidasTX, and the midasTX should contain 4 files named "midasblackholedecal.dds, midasdecalgrass.dds, midasdecalmoss.dds, midasfloravines.dds.


same goes for the scripts folder and sound.

Mmm it might probally be easier to download the MidasSkyrim_007b_Reactor and extract the Meshes,Scripts,Sound,Textures folders and MidasSkyrim.esp to Your data folder.


That way You should have all the correct paths for the mod.

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