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Mod Compatibility Thread?


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What you are asking for is an attempt at a one size fits all list. Any such list should be used carefully as every mod in the list may not work with your system quite like it did on someone elses.


For example, if the list is made by someone with a new high end super duper Nvidia card. It may turn a system using a mid level 3 year old ATI card into a unstable game that crawls and crashes constantly. Then the ATI user wants to blame the list maker for their weaker system.


Then, the list assumes that you will not be adding - or subtracting any mods form those listed, and that none of the mods have any updates that cause problems with any of the other mods on the list.


So if you do want to use such a list - please remember that it may not work as well on your system as someone elses.

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