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Need a script


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Need a script that will un-equip weapons and clothing/armor from player/follower/actor (basically anything) that enters a trigger box and re-equip it on exit from the trigger box.


I hate not being able to figure it out myself, but I have messed with it for weeks and have only accomplished a headache.


Goal is to have anything that enters the shower/bath strip its skivvies and re-equip when it leaves.

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Create a container, drop it somewhere in the world, and give it a ref name, such as mycontainerref.


On your trigger, give it a script, such as:


scn myscriptnamehere

ref mytargetnpc

Begin OnTriggerEnter

set mytargetnpc to getactionref

mytargetnpc.removeallitems mycontainerref


Begin OnTriggerLeave

mycontainerref.removeallitems mytargetnpc



Haven't tried it, but that should work. You might want to put some logic in there if other NPCs/companions will be around, so that gear gets put back on the right person.

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You would have to remove those items from the actual inventory. It's childish & juvenile, for gods sake, grow up already. As a developer sometimes it's better to leave some things to the imagination. You also shouldn't let something like this stop you. The more of this kind of work you do, there is a lesson to be learned on how to know when you should put something on hold an move on to other things. You can always come back to it later.


A trigger might not be the best answer anyway. You still need the NPC to travel to an from the shower based on time. Something like a AI package that happends once a day. It's probably Quest + Script + Package. You won't listen but If it were me I would make the shower a door whatever it looks like an have that lead to a new cell which is dedicated to showering. A tiny cell surrounded by a shower curtain in a tub, then have random noises play outside the curtan, omg what was that.

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Sort of what I tried, modified casino frisk script and it did remove items as desired on enter however on exit it just dumps back to targets inventory rather than re-equipping. Also doesn’t work on sandbox or actors/followers without specific logic applied.
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Packages work depending on the order of them from top to bottom. It's more easy to view this in FNV/FO3/TES edit. It scans the list from top to bottom looking for a package to =true an it does that one. Like a travel to shower package would be the first an set up to do once a day. Once it sees that that package has already been done today it doesn't =true anymore so it goes to the next package looking for a true.
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