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Stahlrim Variants for Fire and Shock + Something stupid


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(I originally posted this on Reddit 2 weeks ago, but haven't gotten a reply. Here's a link to the post.)

Okay I know that this is a thing in a couple of mods, but all of them are just recolors of Stahlrim itself, which I wouldn't imagine it to actually be like taht if it were made by Bethesda. How would I do it? If you look at Stahlrim, it has this just block of ice theme to it, sort of like a Frost Atronach. My idea: Theme their fire and shock variants after they're respective atronachs. The shock weapons and armor could look something like rocks held together by electricity, and fire can have this devilish fiery look. Dumb idea, probably never going to happen, but at least I got the idea out there.

But as a bonus, I had an idea for another very simple mod. Which is basically just the coat tails on Nordic Carved armor being elongated to about ankle level.



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