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Crash on northern part of Solstheim [Dragonborn]


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Heyo all.


I have recently encountered a problem that has never happened to me before in my 1k playtime of Skyrim. For some reason, whenever I start to near Saering's watch, my game crashes. Every time, without fail. I have a quicksave of me standing slightly behind Saering's watch and I take a few steps forward and the game just crashes instantly. Because of this, I can't progress in the main story, since I can't get to the word wall. Annoying to say the least.


I found this thread here but none responded. I seem to have either a similar or the exact problem as this individual has/had. I'm not sure what exactly could be causing it. Like I said, I have never encountered this problem before and I still use all of the 60~ish mods I've always had with some few new additions. I could provide you all with a detailed mod list if that would help. A bit more searching around led me to steam forums posts about it being a load order problem. I have never really payed much attention to load order myself, usually just relying on MO to warn me if there is a potential problem connected to load order, so it's not impossible that could be the culprit.


Most of the mods I use that has any relation to the Dragonborn DLC is texture mods with one exception. That exception being Black Books Begone. Never had a problem with it before. The mod itself works like it should but I can assume it could CAUSE something else.


Otherwise, it's just texture replacers that work like they always do.


Any help would be appreciated, since this sucks poopdinkles.

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I cannot thank you enough, that fixed it. I also realized I did not have an SKSE folder in the data folder with the ini files so I also downloaded this and everything works like a charm.

Thank you.

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