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Changed timescale = bugged days


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So I changed my timescale in skyrim with the console a few days ago to from 20:1 to 10:1. I've been fine so far but I've started the Breaching Security mission with the Dark Brotherhood, which means the target is gonna be travelling to different places on different days. When waiting, I noticed that the day changes at around 2pm, meaning that rather than a day lasting from 00:00 to 23:59, days now seem to last from 14:00 to 13:59. This means the target jumps around places a lot and its hard to pinpoint him and take him out effectively, not to mention that this may effect similarly structured missions I haven't started yet. I've tried changing back to the default timescale of 20:1 and it doesn't fix it.


Is there any way to fix this that doesn't involve loading an earlier save and loosing ten-odd hours of gameplay? Any help would be much appreciated!

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I'm now not convinced it's to do with changing the timescale; I tried out some old saves from before I changed it and some of them would change the day an hour late, and a couple from after I changed the timescale were spot on timewise. Don't really know where this leaves me with my bug problem though :S
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can't you just follow him to a town and do whatever to him?


can try also minijumps using fast travel so you don't miss him

My concern isn't so much the mission I mentioned as the fact that days are starting at strange times, rather than having trouble with the mission itself. Though it is of course impacting on it.


I've decided to do a fresh install and start a new game anyway, but I'm still open to suggestions if anyone has any.

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