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melee+magic weapons


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Alright guys, I was thinking of a new type of weapon. I was thinking of having two handed swords that when left clicking would be regular melee attacks and right clicking would block attacks, and middle button would utilize the swords special ability, a lot like the staffs in the game. But the difference would be that instead of using charges from soul gems, they would directly use your own magic. I initially thought of this to start making Zanpakutos. I have already made a couple of these weapons, some similar to the ones on the show/comic Bleach and others that are "original" in the sense i did not directly copy off of anything in particular. Considering i already have the textures done, the geometry done and working on the different animations, i would just like to know if anyone knows how i can add those spells to the swords and make them function as melee weapons that can use magic.


Thank you in advance if you can help me out a bit and also i wouldn't mind assistance or any advice in general.


(This is a random picture of a sword I wanted to add a 100% block magic shield to as an ability, only thing is that the shield only lasts 1 second and has a cooldown)




(I decided to post here since I'm requesting for assistance)

Edited by DreamCodex
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