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DA2-like Cassandra morphs?


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Maybe you prefer this version of Cassandra: "DA2 Cassandra" by appleschnapple http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/328/? - as the name of the mod already suggests, it should be what you're looking for.

If you're looking for a version which affects her whole facial features and everything, unfortunately I must disappoint you. That would be, if indeed such a thing is possible, too much work.

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As far as I'm aware, there can't be any real "face morphs" that change facial features and proportions, as was possible with DAO/2. It's just not possible with these tools, and perhaps not even with Frostbite. All of the existing mods that change follower/advisor faces are just skin texture mods.


As was posted, there are some Cassandra mods that change things like makeup and scarring, but that's all you can do, really.

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