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Red vs Blue


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ok, a mate of mine showed me some videos off halo, some people got together and used programs to film in game, and they got speech and all in it and called it a series, right now, its down when i checked last night, but i watched all of series 1 last night...i was laughing my arse off all night about them, and now a friend of mine and i are inspired to do a similar concept, only a little more violent, with Unreal Tournament 2003, or UT2004, it depends when we can bother...hes going on holidays soon so i have to get all this dodgy software (filming stuff that came with my 4x DVD burner).

although, it has a little swearing in it, but its the funniest stuff ive ever seen, and the swearing is in a very comical way, so theres no way known to take offence...well...maybe a mothers club :blink:


i think the sites



or just search in google for red vs blue


enjoy...when their back up (if anyone in australia has a crap internet and cant download them all i will be willing help out *hint*)

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Ya Red vs. Blue is actually quite the popular thing, i'm suprised you hadn't heard of it before. Also I would like to add that these guys arn't exactly amateur's anymore. They have spoken at many conferences, shown there work at digital film festivals, etc... and are garnishing quite the reputation for themselves in this newly developing genre of film where you use video games/game engines to make films (I used to know what the genre was called but forgot now).
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this sounds interesting.. it depends though.. im used to seeing UT in high graphics so what kind of video card/resolution are you going to use?


OT> I wonder who that person living in Australia with a cr@p internet might be...

well, my friends currently using a geforce fx5200 go, and ill be using a radeon mobility 9600 ultra, or the same geforce, theres a good chance of getting the geforce because the radeon one only comes with a widescreen laptop.


but well be making the videos at


800x600 4xAA everything on high...either that..or, 1024x768x32 2xAA, or we could even move up to 1600x1200 NOAA 32bpp, everything on high.


its a matter of time before we actually start, we've already got one idea down for the map Oceanic, where theres this conversation about those sea things outside, of it, right by the window, forgot which ones, and it moves on to like a 13 minute idea from what we could predict, although we still have problems...finding a way to record the videos and all that stuff.


the first video of the second series for redvsblue is online now, well...it was yesterday

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i laughed my ass off in the first one, the two red guys standing around


"do you ever wonder why we are here?"


*forgot what the other guy says, something to do with god*


"no...just...why are we here, in this box canyon, no way in, no way out, well, the only reason why we have a red base here, is because the blue people have a base over there, so if we went away, they would have 2 blue bases in this box canyon"


...they never make any sence <_<


or with the red rookie guy, when he gets the blue flag


"oh man, their going to give me so much s**t for this stupid flag"

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yeah thats right :lol:




"uhh, i think ill walk"


and another classic


"you mean you can fix shelah?......i love you"


and another one


"i never even got to tell him hes my son!"

"whoa, hes your son!"

"nah...i just wanted to screw with him before i died"

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