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Player Walk Animation is "Snappy" (PC)


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What it should be:

While over-encumbered the walk animation looks great in 3rd Person! It has a nice smooth transition as you change direction and strafe from left to right.


What it is doing:

However! When hitting CapsLock the In-Between Animation (Tween) is absent, resulting in a buggy, snapping animation reminiscent of Oblivion's lack of a Diagonal Walk Animation.


It isn't a big bug, but it is rather annoying and breaks the immersion of the game. With the Tween missing, the walking animation for the player dives into the Uncanny Valley. I would love to locate the Animation Cache in the DATA files... But without the Developer Kit I am hesitant.


Thank you for reading, Comments are appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me, this is a very annoying bug. I too had noticed that sometimes the "tween" animations were there, and sometimes they weren't. I hadn't put 2 and 2 together and seen that the tween animations are only there when over encumbered.


I'm playing with a heavy roleplay focus. I walk. I walk a lot. I walk almost too much. No fast traveling, and only running when there is an actual purpose (to follow an NPC who won't walk, or when in or about to be in combat). That means a lot of walking. So this "snappy" walk animation kind of irks me.


I hope this gets addressed soon.

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  • 1 month later...

I finally found a post about this and you nailed it.


I am on my second character - total opposite of my speedy first playthrough. I am FULL roleplaying. I have camping mods, basic human needs mods, the works.

I walk A LOT. I probably walk more than anyone has ever walked before.


The snappy diagonal transition has got to go. Why is it SO NICE when overencumbered? I wish there were a fix.

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  • 6 months later...

You have to excuse me for necroposting but I've encountered that myself and I've been searching for a fix with no luck. I've been searching through the animation mods one by one and I've found nothing in there also. Yet again sorry for bumping this. But I guess it's better than creating a new topic.

Edited by TerrorDetonator
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