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Creeping - Crawling - Climbing


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Greetings viewers,


After completing the main questline and numerous other sidequests, i foundout that skyrim was kind of shallow, well in my personal opinion, i felt my character was quite handicapped, being bound to the ground like the roots of a greak oak.

It bugged me and continues to do so, as i asked myself "why didnt bethesda put in a terrain scaling mod?!"

Which brings us here, the character you play and most other npcs are all limited to walking, running and swimming right?

A mod like this would be a partial overhaul of the basic means of getting around (excluding fast travel) the world and its 'in your face' features, which include scaling or climbing if will, the ability for the player to sneakily get onto rooftops, up towers, certain mountains (depending on type of terrain, ice, shale and others, player level and overall skill (perhaps a new class specifically for that???)) and movement between two structures, such as sprinting (to build momentum) followed by a mind boggling leap (like in the matrix movies) and ended by a legdegrab on the other side, impossible you say? No, we have seen many hollywood actors do it and come out fne... moreless.

This mod will have to be created by pure geniuses, expert modders or you the bethesda team (yay!!! more bugs 4 evry1! Joke) and would need a completely new set of animations and an immersive, dynamical response to the environment.


While on the subject, this could also include, by your choice, the ability to latch onto large creatures (dragons and mammoths to be precise) and kill them from various positions, example - my character runs up a dragons wing, quickly balance across its neck and stick a sword in its skull for an instant kill in true dragonhunter style, note that for this not to break the game experience, it can only be done on a very-badly-injured-dragon-waiting-for-its-death or a weak annoying one, like those that spawn in mass.


These are just suggestions, ignoring it wont offend but creating it would be farout radical.

Good comments are appreciated.

Edited by Plankbreaker
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Sounds freaking epic... I seriously hope to see this too. Honestly though, at the rate technology is progressing, the next TES game will have this. :P


Skyrim might not be able to support such awesomeness, but maybe. Modders always find a way. :)

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DCUO currently has a "movement system" like this, one of 3 actually. Flying, super speed, and acrobatic (wall scaling, double jump, grapples, etc) would be nice to see in a mod eventually. Maybe I'll make that a focus after CK comes out. Only problem I see would be there aren't many buildings to scale outside cities. Walls into and out of cities would be unscalable or else getting stuck off the map etcetc. And in some dungeons they require you to lower bridges in order to progress, such as Geirmund's Hall in Gauldurs amulet fragment quest.


The current way around it I suppose would be to type:

player.setgs fjumpheightmin ###

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Trees would be eh, just like street lamps and trees in DCUO, it would have to have the same basics, and on there if you go into a tree with acrobatics the only place you want to go is out. You get stuck on one branch, then on another, and so on.


Maybe if the tree climb speed was slowed to a realistic climbing speed it would be ok.


What I would like to see is flying. We're dovahkiin, we should be able to have wings.

Edited by seppoko
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Ha, none of the sci fi ninja moves, that would be too much, just the average climb, sit and lookout for danger routine.


I agree, maybe your character could gain some such power along the main questline or by slaying a certain amount of dragons perhaps?

Become a semi etheral souldragon would be cool.

Edited by Plankbreaker
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  On 1/24/2012 at 1:19 AM, seppoko said:

Trees would be eh, just like street lamps and trees in DCUO, it would have to have the same basics, and on there if you go into a tree with acrobatics the only place you want to go is out. You get stuck on one branch, then on another, and so on.


Maybe if the tree climb speed was slowed to a realistic climbing speed it would be ok.


What I would like to see is flying. We're dovahkiin, we should be able to have wings.


Lol. use tcl :)

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I would like to look like I'm flying though.


Oblivion has wings,





Only a matter of converting to skyrim, adding tcl when equipped code, flapping animation, and sound to something similar.

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What about a legend of Zelda style of climbing, where you would see an obvious spot on a wall or mountain that was flat and covered in vines. You could then make those special walls trigger the climbing animation. Maybe do ladders as well. The only thing that would suck is manually placing all these walls and ladders around the game world.
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