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Creeping - Crawling - Climbing


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Triggers like standalone ladders retextured to vines or just plain invisible would work too, But yeah it would be really annoying to place them all. Even moreso if you want to climb ALL of the trees.
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The problem with something global, is the trigger for the climbing animation would be if you were stopped and trying to continue when a surface is too steep. While this would look alright up against a mountain, it will trigger just pressing against any wall or other odd surface. That would be bad. Having dedicated climbing areas ensures the animations ma tch the surface you are climbing, so it is a more practical approach.
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  On 1/24/2012 at 2:03 AM, Plankbreaker said:

Walls, trees and rocks are all objects, so lets say 'terrain based script and animations' shouldnt affect objects, it will only apply to the default terrain.


That could work if it was outside only maybe. But how would you make the animation work on non vertical surfaces? How would you tell the game to rotate your character based on the angle of the incline? Also you really cant have your character just climbing up cave walls, especially if the ceiling of the cave is rounded. You would be upside down lol.


Keep in mind it would also break many dungeons that use the loop trick, that returns you to the entrance by dropping from a previously unreachable ledge.

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By using pathing, one can very accurately 'paint' which areas are passable and non passable, a similar method could be used to determine which areas of terrain are climbable or not.


Or by somehow setting the script to activate upon passing a certain angle in terrain elevation, but to unactivate when reaching seamingly vertical heights, say pass 55-85 degrees.

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Trigger areas are all well and good, but about 5 years behind where current tech should be. I find the whole movement system in Skyrim.... unappealing at best. Not that I've played anything much better(AC was good tho), but I still think that for those of us who enjoy the thief style, Skyrim is tear-inducingly shallow. I want to be able to get on roofs to shoot people without using freakin ladders. :ninja:
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Yeah... thats what made AC unique, skyrim needs something similar, but not a complete redo of another games climbing mechanics, it just needs that something extra than the others out there. Well cant complain, must have patience and wait until the CK comes out.
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Wait, about all the triggering, couldn't we just use AC's awesome parkour animations and programation, add the triggers such as AC's grips into the game models and simply combine the whole complex file into a esp for the making of the mod? Sorry if I sound stupid, I literrally don't know anything about modding. My guess is it could be done, but will take time and all, and might screw up because of Ubisoft's copyright (hopefully not). Anyways, I just can't wait to see a mod like this!
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Holy s***,anyone ever played Mirror's Edge here? Think if we could move like that in Skyrim,sliding,kicking,countering,doing long-jumps,climbing.. o_O! Someone made a mod that lets you see your body in first person,if this could be combined with that mod in any way,that'd be pretty freaking amazing.But if you're gonna make it,make it right,I don't just want to "slide" up a mountain in first person,I'd like to use my hands,and actually,the whole body. :)
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Are any of you dreamers Oblivion modders? If Skyrim's anything at all like Oblivion was (moddability wise, anyways) then most of these ideas are going to flop. Triggers are the most likely, and that's assuming the new animation system allows modders to easily make and trigger their own. P-Froggy did the absolute best mod for Oblivion, and it didn't even have animations (It's named P-Froggy's Climbing Mod if anyone wants to look) that might be portable to some extent. If we got a new animation system, then P-Froggy's work might just be the best answer to the question.


But Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim just aren't made with this in mind. Tomb Raider style climbing and vaulting is beyond what the base game can handle without scripting, so we're going to have to rely on good old fashioned face-melting scriptwork here.


My alternative? Make triggers for every standard height, have it lock you in first person, and proceed to push you up and over whatever you're climbing over. Or a flat and invisible object, that when you stand on it, temporarily modifies your jump height to just enough to get up and onto whatever you're going after, and still locks you in first person. If you're wondering, I keep saying lock-in-first-person because that's an easy way around having to animate.

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