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Is my system good enough


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Hello everyone!


I am aware that Skyrim now can use more than 2gb of RAM, however I only have 4gb RAM, which means only about 3 is useable right?


I am trying to get high resolution textures to work, but unfortunately they seem to be causing CTDs when I apply them. This didn't happen until I applied Highres facemaps for males, but now when I remove it I am crashing upon fast travel to Riften.

Do I need more RAM or a better graphics card? My system specs are:


Windows 7 32 bit

4gb RAM

AMD Athlon IIx4 640

Geforce GTS 450

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Try the steps detailed in this post.


Keep in mind that the game uses an algorithm to determine which mip map size of a texture to use when displaying objects so, unless you're on a 2560x1600 screen, 2k textures are more or less overkill. And 4k textures are way overkill. They're just eating exponentially more RAM than a 1k version would without any visual improvement. Look for 1k/512 versions of texture replacers to save system resources.


Also, you may want to try setting processor affinity to cores 0&2 or cores 1&3.

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Start the game then open the task manager (ctrl+alt+del). Go to the Processes tab and find TESV.exe, right click on it and choose set affinity. You'll have to do this every time you play unfortunately. There's a .bat file out there that does this automatically, but it doesn't work if you launch the game through skse.


Going from 32 bit Windows to 64 bit Windows requires a reformat and reinstallation.

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It's definitely possible. And the more texture replacers you're running at the same time, the better the chances of a 64 bit OS being more stable.
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