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LOD for worldspace help


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i watched a lovely tutorial by the dude who made falskaar on youtube on how to set up LOD... which apparently is super complex, thank god for the internet...

basically my question is...

at what point in creation does one fire up the LOD?

also, will doing so allow me to see everything at a distance in the creation kit?

also! is it something you have to generate every time you change something? like if you change something up do you need to regenerate LOD?


i did all my landscape editing and heightmap editing in a different program and that's all well and good but its killin me to work in the creation kit when i can't find my way around my worldspace lol..

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It is complex because of CK, but noone in their mind uses CK to create LODs nowadays. That video from Falskaar author is severely outdated.

Use OScape for landscape LODs (it has no explicit version for SSE, but should work fine regardless). If you won't be able to make it work for some reason, then use CK only for terrain LOD.

Use SSELODGen for objects and trees.


Yes LODs will be visible in CK if you check that option. When to generate? Only you can decide when you want to see anything in the distance and does it match the actual content of your mod.

Edited by zilav
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