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Items Draining of charges BUG Help Modders please


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Ok folks This was an issue in OLDRIM and it's still hasn't been fixed in SSE and it's bugging me and surprised that it's not bugging others as well. I like many others who play the game like creating their own weapons and armor.


Now When I create my equipment I usually use either a Grand or Black soul Gem with a grand soul in them. So I make a sword enchant it and it has say 125 charges when I originally create it. Got out in the world play the game for a while and save the game exit game. And when I come back and play the game my weapons on have about a 1/2 dozen charges on them before they are depleted and have to be recharged with a soul gem.


Now this is a bug for which I'm surprised that Bethesda hasn't fixed long before now nor has it been fixed in the Unofficial patch either. There was a fix in OldRim located here




But it won't work in SSE because it requires Skyse which has currently not yet been released. Any Modders will to try and work on a fix for the items losing their charges?

Edited by redneck1st
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