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Are Family Values really about Family Values?


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I think it must be, because the same people on about "We need to protect marriage from gays and lesbians!" sure don't seem too invested in protecting it from infidelity, etc. I guess I don't get it, but I would think that someone on about "Sanctity of Marriage" and "Family values" would not run around on their spouse or toss them aside and marry someone else when illness causes them to become inconvenient. Maybe it's just me, but those behaviors are not "Family values" friendly.


I can't help but think that the words are really just voter-friendly code for "We hate gays and lesbians, they don't deserve to be happy or even have basic human rights." I'm not saying that all people who are against gay marriage are hypocrites and don't walk the walk they talk about, just that the ones doing the most shouting seem to do the least walking.


So, what am I missing here?


Edited to clarify

Edited by nyxalinth
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Whenever a politician wraps themselves in morality, the flag or God ...thats when I get out my really deep hip waders out because you know that the bull is going to be very deep indeed. What is especially priceless is that these same individuals are bound to be caught doing something incredibly venal given enough time.


"Hypocrisy is an homage that vice renders to virtue. " ~François, Duc De La Rochefoucauld,

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Everything that a society that labels everything not normal has to be bordered out or has to adapt to the standards of the society by force and rejection.

Now how would anybody feel if this was forced upon them by others, because they suddenly aren't social creatures any more because they are not within the norm labels of society?

Let's try looking around .. at unemployed persons, at poor persons, at foreigner persons, at gay persons, at lesbian persons, at homeless persons, at disabled persons Now how would you feel if they would do want the same rights to as you want for yourself ?

They have the same rights as everyone! If one thinks this is right to deny those groups the same rights ...

All are equal before the law unless some may think they are more equal than the others. Those that are more equal may even go to the next pig pen and try to dress the pigs in their best clothing.

"Quid leges sine moribus?"

"What are laws without morals?"

Quintus Horatius Flaccus

Edited by SilverDNA
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What you're Missing is: telling Where you're from and your whole point of starting this topic, and what about their female homosexual counterparts?


"My favorite Type of Magic, Lesbomancy" -A Fictional Dwarf, in a fictional universe created by non-fictional individuals.


And how do you propose to stop Infidelity? In a society where men can't grow the [insert Suggestive Content] to Bed a Woman, a theoretical proposition by some is that they will go and bed men, and men can't have babies. the survival of a society is pretty much based on the infants born to carry their legacy, and that's the whole point of having family values, a Place for the newborn to Live and Grow according to the laws of the society. and that, by any means, is not wrong.


So the whole Idea of Legalizing Gay marriage would allow the above scenario to happen, and we don't want our pure and impure races to be extinct now do we?


Damn Keyboard.

Edited by Ihoe
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What you're Missing is: telling Where you're from and your whole point of starting this topic, and what about their female homosexual counterparts?


"My favorite Type of Magic, Lesbomancy" -A Fictional Dwarf, in a fictional universe created by non-fictional individuals.


And how do you propose to stop Infidelity? In a society where men can't grow the [insert Suggestive Content] to Bed a Woman, a theoretical proposition by some is that they will go and bed men, and men can't have babies. the survival of a society is pretty much based on the infants born to carry their legacy, and that's the whole point of having family values, a Place for the newborn to Live and Grow according to the laws of the society. and that, by any means, is not wrong.


So the whole Idea of Legalizing Gay marriage would allow the above scenario to happen, and we don't want our pure and impure races to be extinct now do we?


Damn Keyboard. and what's with the colorful responses???

It might just be me but yourRed , Green and Blue sections seem to be sending a mixed message. If it isn't too much trouble would you mind giving an amalgam of your thesis?

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Well, the whole thing is pretty hypocritical, if you take it on face value. Don't call it family values if you can't respect your spouse or marriage. Call it something more honest. Oh wait, can't do that, we have to candy-coat it or we'll lose the moderate voters.


And I should have been more clear, and used same-sex marriage, not just gay. My bad.

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And how do you propose to stop Infidelity? In a society where men can't grow the [insert Suggestive Content] to Bed a Woman, a theoretical proposition by some is that they will go and bed men, and men can't have babies. the survival of a society is pretty much based on the infants born to carry their legacy, and that's the whole point of having family values, a Place for the newborn to Live and Grow according to the laws of the society. and that, by any means, is not wrong.


So the whole Idea of Legalizing Gay marriage would allow the above scenario to happen, and we don't want our pure and impure races to be extinct now do we?

Why do i have the good old Stones lyrics of "I cant get no satisfaction" hammering in my head reading this?

I assume it must be something you fear of ..

May I ask what you fear to lose by gay or lesbian marriages?


Damn Keyboard.

It is okay had the same this morning due to one hand typing and coffee sipping with the other as well.

I call it the one handed coffee break typos in the mourning when I' m still on 1st cup and the eyes lids still need matches for support.


I find it hard to believe that other people can get in love with one together while others with another sexual orientation don't have the same right to get happy in the way they think it will fit for them.


Isn't it a constitutional right in the US to have access to happiness without hurting someone else or at the expense of one others rights?

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And how do you propose to stop Infidelity? In a society where men can't grow the [insert Suggestive Content] to Bed a Woman, a theoretical proposition by some is that they will go and bed men, and men can't have babies. the survival of a society is pretty much based on the infants born to carry their legacy, and that's the whole point of having family values, a Place for the newborn to Live and Grow according to the laws of the society. and that, by any means, is not wrong.


So the whole Idea of Legalizing Gay marriage would allow the above scenario to happen, and we don't want our pure and impure races to be extinct now do we?

Why do i have the good old Stones lyrics of "I cant get no satisfaction" hammering in my head reading this?

I assume it must be something you fear of ..

May I ask what you fear to lose by gay or lesbian marriages?


Damn Keyboard.

It is okay had the same this morning due to one hand typing and coffee sipping with the other as well.

I call it the one handed coffee break typos in the mourning when I' m still on 1st cup and the eyes lids still need matches for support.


I find it hard to believe that other people can get in love with one together while others with another sexual orientation don't have the same right to get happy in the way they think it will fit for them.


Isn't it a constitutional right in the US to have access to happiness without hurting someone else or at the expense of one others rights?


Yeah, I'd thought so, too! The rub is that the people who are bashing same-sex marriage do feel that it does hurt them, their beliefs, and their way of life, which is very unfortunate. The thing is, it doesn't harm them at all. Legalizing same-sex marriage doesn't mean that straight marriage will cease to be. It's not going to make Joe/Jane Straight Person suddenly decide they want to marry the same gender.


As for the whole reproduction aspect, well look. We have SEVEN BILLION FREAKING PEOPLE. We don't need anywhere near this amount of humanity, especially with what we as a species do to the environment and each other. I'd say we could afford to drop that down a bit :D

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"I hate gays and stand for family values! I think we should have a strict policy of having a man and women household!"

Every US politician just before getting caught by a cop for DUI driving away from a gay bar with his boyfriend right by him.

Edited by marharth
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