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CBBE seam fix don't work :-\ need help pls


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I have installed Calient CBBE + Better Female, 1 week ago I have make this and I successfull fixed with textblendlite with duble click and GG...
after I need delete all skyrimSE,

To day I have installed in the same metod, click on textblendlite for seam fix, message from blendlite is "Seam Fixed ok ecc ecc"... but when I go in game Seam is not fixed.. I have tried reinstall game and these MODs many times but don't want to fix --.--'

I know procedure for install and fix, and I'm familiar on these things and textureblend, but I just do not understand why don't fix -.-

PS: I have tried to change head skin with other...but nothing, the fixer change the skin but don't fix seam problem..

Fixer in the Calient CBBE change only head skin, but anyway does not match with body

Edited by falaur84
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