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Export/Import Character Face/Body data as a preset from a savefile


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Hello good people of the nexus forums. English is not my native tongue so I'll try to keep this short and to the point: I would like to request a mod or program that can automatically create/save a character preset from a skyrim SE savefile in order to load/transfer it to a new gamefile.


So far a quick google search provided me with 2 options, one was Racemenu (as far as I know doesn't work with SE yet, so it's out of the question) and the other solution requires in-game console commands and the use of the creation kit.


Now, I could probably try the creation kit approach, but seems a little daunting since all this modding or messing with skyrim data files is completely new and complex to me. And I'm sure there are many like me out there.


This is why I would like to request for someone who's more advanced in this kind of stuff to make a mod or tool with an automated, easy to use process, where you can load a savefile, export character data, load another savefile, import character data. Or start a new game and choose your characters preset you previously saved from character creation, I guess that could work too.


That's all, thanks in advance for your time and/or any of your replies.

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