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remove the radiation from some water?


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How do I remove the radiation from some water?


I’m thinking about making a home and wanted to put it next to the Spring Mountain Ranch State Park.

I like the look of the small lake there.

I have looked in GECKNV and the water isn’t even selectable so I haven’t been able to look at its attributes.

Can anyone help?

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Thank You thats great


I managed to remove the radiation thanks to your help, but there became a green water coloured shelf protruding from the bank when under the water, which I thought at first was the adjacent cell. I noticed that a lot of the cells around the lakes water levels were at different heights. I tried making them all the same 4100.0000 but it made no difference, the shelf is still there. I have made all the cells the same water type still the shelf remains. So I have removed the mod altogether The Shelf is still there! I went back to a save long before my attempt to remove the radiation and its still there. Must be another mod, But I don’t have one that does anything anywhere near the area.

I dont remember the shelf being there before so It cant be in the vanilla game.

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