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was thinking of some ideas for MODS for fallout 3 that i haven't seen.


Iron Man / War Machine Armor


Colonial Marine Armor (alien)

Jedi Cloak - granting +100 speech ( :-P )

Green Goblin Armor

Thor's Hammer


hell, make a skin of my boss, so i can just repeat killing her lol


could even have a quest where you need the iron man armor to take down the hulk (lol)


Sorry im probably posting crap ideas..

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ill try and find it, cheers dude :)


Imagine replaceing the @oh Baby@ or @Supder Sledge@ with thors Hammer - that would be epic.

and im sorry, but being a Marvel Geek - Iron Man armor would make Fallout 3, just that little bit more perfect.

I dont wanna fly or have hand lasers - just the skin of the armor would do it for me :)


a friend told me about some wolverine skin/armor also :)

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