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Nightingale remesh request


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I'm in need of some help. As I don't know the first thing about editing vanilla meshes, I was wondering if one of you talented folk would be able to do minor edit on the male Nightingale armour for me.


What I'd like is to remove the loincloth bits and tabbards from the thighs. I'm looking to use it in a release once the CK is out, so I'd need all versions of the armour tweaked.


Can anyone help?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I figured I'd bump this. Now, I have found an almost suitable mesh in AmethystDeceiver's Black sacrament mod. It was almost exactly what I needed, however that mesh has had tweaks done to the upper torso too (shoulders have been narrowed, chest reduced etc) that don't fit with what I'm after.


So I'll fire this request out again. Can anyone help?

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