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Player home CTD


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Well, crap, I loaded from save. I only have a couple player owned homes on that save, and it's a relatively new save game. I'm uninstalling, and emptying out the Skyrim folder of all mods, etc. Just to be absolutely sure. It takes a long time to install Skyrim for me due to network speeds here, so I'll have to get back to you in a few days as to whether the totally fresh install actually works with your guide.

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Well, crap, I loaded from save. I only have a couple player owned homes on that save, and it's a relatively new save game. I'm uninstalling, and emptying out the Skyrim folder of all mods, etc. Just to be absolutely sure. It takes a long time to install Skyrim for me due to network speeds here, so I'll have to get back to you in a few days as to whether the totally fresh install actually works with your guide.

Corrupt saves and data can ruin your game or any chance to fix the issue after your last reply I knew you were loading saves that could have been corrupted. My best advice it make a stable game first and make a un-modded hard save that can be reloaded if things go south. Also before any big change to mods or big quests make a hard save sometime quests will bug out this will give a chance to reload and start quest over. Last thing I recommend is make a plan on the play-through you want and mod accordingly and do read the mod requirements and also check comments to see if people have issues. Good luck and happy gaming :)

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Unfortunately, with my internet connection, it literally takes days to reinstall Skyrim. I won't know for possibly a week if your advice is going to solve the problem. Still, thank you very much for taking the time to help. I hope it does help, as I've been getting progressively more annoyed at the CTD issue, especially since none of the other fixes I've see seemed to help, and nothing is specific to the issue I have been experiencing.

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