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Problem with my mod and the CK. .esp size increases massively first save after opening CK.


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Every time i open the Creation Kit and save my mod the size of the .esp file increases quite dramatically (without adding anything new), this repeats itself for every first save after starting the CK. At first it goes from 18 000 kB to 21 000 kB, then 21 000 kB to 27 000 kB, eventually the file size starts to almost double, at 400 000 kB skyrim won't start with the mod loaded and at 800 000 kB the Creation Kit can't load the .esp. After the first save I can save over and over again without seeing this size increase but it happens again if I restart the CK.


Using SSEedit I have been able to salvage the contents of my mod (which is a quite large with new land and other stuff) and when I copy the new edits into an older file the size stays quite small. But as soon as I open it up in the CK and save, the size increase starts all over again.


At first I thought it had something to do with navmesh since I first noticed it after adding navmesh to several cells but I'm starting to think that might just have been a coincidence now since I could have missed that it happened before that.


I have tried searching the internet for someone else with the same problem or for a solution but haven't been able to find anything. This problem has caused me so much headache and is draining all my energy and enthusiasm for modding. I'm currently trying to find the last backup I have of the mod where this doesn't happen, but it's taking a while since loading and saving in the creation kit is so slow.


Does someone know what causes this? Is there a solution? Has anyone else even had this problem? Any help or tips for how I could find the source of the problem would be much appreciated.

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What you are seeing is not normal. When you opened the mod in SSEEdit, did you see any extra records that might account for the extra size? There might be a clue, there.


Otherwise, I would suggest asking a buddy to try opening your mod in their CK to see if the same thing happens. If it doesn't, then your install of the CK is suspect whereas if it does, then it's something in the mod that the CK doesn't like. At least that would narrow down the possibilities.

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I think I have found the issue and solved it!


After reading OldMansBeards's post I decided to look through the records of the mod once again and in more detail. The problem seems to have been 4 "shader particle geometry" records that I had made as part of a custom weather. These records had very large sizes but otherwise looked normal. I just removed them and the file size was reduced to normal levels and after loading the mod into the CK and saving it I don't see any file increase at all.


These 4 records were very old, and added in the old CK. The problem might have built up over a long time before I noticed so I would recommend anyone working with shader particles to keep an eye on the size of their records.

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