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Optimizing Skyrim on a new laptop


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The headline says it. I bought a new laptop a few months ago, unfortunately, I also lost my Skyrim backup because my external hard drive broke, I still have my saves but I have to redownload all the mods. This time, I've decided to install ENB, improved static meshes, and texture replacers. Yet, I ended up having an even lower FPS than the one I had on my old laptop. I thought at first that maybe ENB and Ultra settings are too much, I lowened the settings to High, but it didn't make any difference. I looked up the process in task manager and it doesn't take up even 15% of the RAM I have. My laptop works as quietly and smoothly as when I open a browser, but my Skyrim is barely moving anywhere outside the menus. I installed ENBoost and it gave me 15 FPS, now it is at about 25 FPS( that is outside the menus, in the menus FPS jumps above 200+ FPS, or at least that's what Fraps says) when I don't turn the camera. Hell, even Fallout 4 and Witcher 3( both of which play on above-medium custom settings and hardly ever drop below 30 FPS, and in case with TW3, 30 FPS I only get in crowded areas like Novigrad, in the wilderness it's usually 40+ FPS) run smoother. I am still playing the old Skyrim and I refuse to move to SE( the graphics improvements are not that big, my saves are incompatible with it and my favourite mods are not for SE, so no way, besides, no way I'm binding my Skyrim to Steam, I hate the fact that Steam is always running in the background, starting up whenever I wanna play, taking up laptop resources and preventing me from having 8 apps open at the same time), I am using 64-bit Windows 10 and my new laptop's specs can be looked up in my profile. Here's what I installed via NMM:


I also have Rudy ENB, core ELFX and ENBoost installed manually because my NMM refused to install Rudy ENB, and there weren't any options to install the newest version of ELFX via NMM on the modpage. As for ENBoost, I just wasn't sure whether it will work with the manually installed ENB if installed via NMM( still figuring out how it works).

I suspect it has something to do with the way the game uses RAM, since judging from what I saw in the task manager, it only uses a part of it rather than all of it. Alternatively, it has something to do with the video card, but from what I know the video card is pretty good for a laptop( at least for the laptops price, the laptops with newer ones cost a sum my family couldn't afford). Are there any mods/ hacks that force the game to use all the RAM the laptop has? Or have I already went overboard with the graphics mods( then how does everyone else install so many HD textures) and should uninstall something?

EDIT: Forgot to mention the fact that I've also tried the SKSE memory allocation fix. Tried HiAlgoBoost, but I don't like the way it pixlates everything. Turning vertical sync off doesn't work, neither does changing the laptop power plan.

Edited by ISOWarrior
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