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Vampires/Werewolves and the lore


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True Vampires and Werewolves


Straight to the point: what about making

Vampires like in Vampire Diaries/Underworld: http://vampirediaries.wikia.com/wiki/Vampires ; http://underworld.wikia.com/wiki/Vampires

Werewolves like in Van Helsing (film)/Underworld: http://werewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Van_Helsing_(Film) ; http://underworld.wikia.com/wiki/Lycans

and a Monster Hunter (Vampire/Werewolf/Undead/Witches e.t.c.) joinable guild (like the Order of the Holy Knights in the Van Helsing film or The Witcher series), with their own weapons, gadjets, tools, utilities, alchemy, potions, perhaps magical artifacts (like special traps, magic amultes, wooden stakes, silver weapons, vervaine, wolfsbane, perhaps holy water, cross e.t.c.): http://witcher.wikia.com/wiki/Witcher


Basically, vampires - pros: 1) immortality (unless killed), doesn't age, immunity to disease (unless perhaps a werewolf bite?), 2) healing factor, 3) superhuman physical attributes - throwing people across the room like ragdolls, running/speed so fast seeming like a blur to an untrained eye - "Vampires can accelerate their movements to cover short distances in an instant", e.t.c. 4) compulsion - perhaps a giant boost to speechcraft, ability to calm/make normal people do their bidding, 5) dream manipulation of their victims? 6) superhuman senses - "Vampires can hear whispered conversations, even ones in far off buildings, smell blood, and see in total darkness.", 6) vampires more powerful with age, thus amplifying all of the listed abilities as time goes by. 7) Blood - as the vampire feeds, he gets stronger. Also, if he doesn't feed - he gets weaker.

cons: 1) Vervain - When ingested, vervain causes a vampire to become severely weak and feverish. Also, If a vampire's skin is exposed to vervain, it can result in burning

2) Wood - If a vampire is wounded by it = same effect as vervain and if a vampire takes a wooden stake through its heart = death.

3) Fire or Sunlight - Any exposure to fire or sunlight will result in death to a vampire.

4) Heart Extraction - The act of removing a vampire's heart will result in death. (?)

5) Werewolf Bite - The bite of a werewolf is extremely lethal to normal vampires.

6) Magic - Witches are able to give supernatural aneurysms that cause the blood vessels of vampires to explode.

7) Decapitation - The act of dismembering or removing the head of a vampire will result in death.

8) Broken neck - Though not fatal, breaking a vampire's neck will render it unconscious for several hours.

9) Uninvited Invitation - Vampires cannot enter a house without being invited in.


Werewolves: pros: 1) immortality, same as vampires. , 2) healing factor (perhaps more advanced than vampires' ?), 3) superhuman physical attributes - also in their human form, like Lucian in Underworld being able to chase down a car (human form) and jump meters from the ground (also, Van Helsing displaying the same ability) and strength too (slicing up giant 1st breed werewolves like butter). 4) superhuman senses - better than those of vampires', 5) far more powerful when transformed - like a Lycan blasting through a full concrete well in UW1. 6) although they can feed on flesh (perhaps even to give a boost to already potent healing factor), they don't need to do so, unlike vampires.

cons: 1) Wolfsbane, same as vervain to vamps, 2) SIlver, same as wood to vamps, 3) Vampire bite? 4) Magic - Witches are able to curse and inflict supernaturals aneurysms that cause the blood vessels of werewolves to explode. 5) Decapitation, heart extraction = death, 6) Broken neck, same as vamps.


Basically, werewolves should be more adapted to hand-to-hand/close quarter combat, unless fighting an elder vampire while a vampire should take a more tactical approach (though werewolves are also predators, especially in the forest - their element). Vampires should be more adapted socially, having a secret Empire-like community, thus being more potent materially and having a keen social status, being in their element while in town. Vampires should almost always win in speech, having extreme seductive/speech abilities, unless the target passes a speechcraft/seduction check, while werewolves (as noted by our favourite guard) have a smell of wet dogs. This also noting at werewolves being slaves to vampires in older times.


Also, both of them should be more physical, none of that Vampire-summoning-undead-skeletons/vampire-magic-bonuses mumbo-jumbo. Instead, magic - nature, should hate vampires (Witches/Giants e.t.c. should attack them on sight). Vampires should be able to feed on anything live, wake, asleep or dead-for-an-hour, even during combat (unless the target passes a physical check - like a grab and bite-the-neck animation), they should feed on blood, not magic-red-electricity-energy-drain.


Both should have their own factions and safehouses/locations.


And of course for the Monster Hunters - Van Helsing, Witchers.

Edited by dontbebeech
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